About the Benchmark

This page is not intended to be a tutorial or an in-depth documentation of the benchmark. The goal here is to provide a good overview over what the benchmark covers as well as intuitions on how the different parts work and what to expect from them. For a more technical explanation of the benchmarking code, please refer to the documentation.

  • Features - Overview
    A non-exhaustive overview of the features of the benchmark.
  • Surrogate Models
    An overview of the surrogate models that are currently implemented to be benchmarked.
  • Data
    An overview of the datasets that are currently included in the benchmark.
  • Modality
    A full account of the different modalities that can be run in the benchmark.
  • Training
    Explanation on how the training process works and how to configure it.
  • Benchmarking
    Explanations on how the benchmarking process works and how to configure it.
  • Output
    A list of all the output files that are generated during the benchmark.


A non-exhaustive overview of the features of the benchmark.

Baseline Surrogates

The following surrogate models are currently implemented to be benchmarked:

  • Fully Connected Neural Network: The vanilla neural network a.k.a. multilayer perceptron.
  • DeepONet: Two fully connected networks whose outputs are combined using a scalar product.
  • Latent NeuralODE: NeuralODE combined with an autoencoder.
  • Latent Polynomial: Uses an autoencoder similar to Latent NeuralODE, fits a polynomial to the trajectories in the latent space.

Find more information on the surrogates below.

Baseline Datasets

The following datasets are currently included in the benchmark:

  • osu2008: 1000 samples, 100 timesteps, 29 chemical quantities.

Find more information on the datasets below.

Plots, Plots, Plots

While hard metrics are crucial to compare the surrogates, performance cannot always be broken down to a set of numbers. Running the benchmark creates many plots that serve to compare performance of surrogates or provide insights into the performance of each surrogate.

Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)

To give an uncertainty estimate that does not rely too much on the specifics of the surrogate architecture, we use DeepEnsemble for UQ.

Interpolation, Extrapolation, Sparsity

Surrogates are often used to interpolate or extrapolate data. The benchmark includes models that are trained on subsets of the training data, investigating their performance in interpolation and extrapolation in time as well as their behaviour in data-sparse circumstances.

Parallel Training

To gain insights into the surrogates behaviour, many models must be trained on varying subsets of the training data. This task is trivially parallelisable. In addition to utilising all specified devices, the benchmark features some nice progress bars to gain insights into the current status of the training.

Dataset Insights (WIP)

"Know your data" is one of the most important rules in machine learning. To aid in this, the benchmark provides plots and visualisations that should help to understand the dataset better.

Tabular Benchmark Results

At the end of the benchmark, the most important metrics are displayed in a table. Additionally, all metrics generated during the benchmark are provided as a CSV file.


Randomness is an important part of machine learning and even required in the context of UQ with DeepEnsemble, but reproducibility is key in benchmarking enterprises. The benchmark uses a custom seed that can be set by the user to ensure full reproducibility.

Custom Datasets and Own Models

To cover a wide variety of use-cases, the benchmark is designed such that adding own datasets and models is explicitly supported.

Interactive Config Maker

The initial setup can be a bit confusing and the benchmark has many features. To make this easier, we provide an interactive Config Maker that helps to set up the benchmark for the first time. Find it here!

Surrogate Models (add images of the surrogates here!)

The benchmark includes several surrogate models that can be trained and compared. All surrogates are subclasses to the base class AbstractSurrogateModel, which contains common methods (like obtaining predictions and saving a model) and mandates the implementation of some surrogate-specific methods. The following list provides a brief overview of the models and their characteristics.

  • Fully Connected Neural Network
    This is the vanilla neural network, also known as a multilayer perceptron. It is included as the basic model but seems to perform surprisingly well for some cases. The inputs are the initial conditions and the time where the solution is to be evaluated.
  • DeepONet
    DeepONet consists of two fully connected networks whose outputs are combined using a scalar product. The trunk net receives as input the initial conditions, while the branch net receives the time where the solution is to be evaluated.
    In the current implementation, the surrogate is a single DeepONet with multiple outputs (hence it is referred to as MultiONet in the code). This is achieved by splitting the output vectors of branch and trunk net into multiple parts. Corresponding parts of the output vectors are then combined using a scalar product.
  • Latent NeuralODE
    Latent NeuralODE combines NeuralODE with an autoencoder. The autoencoder reduces the dimensionality of the dataset before solving the dynamics in the resulting latent space, making it an efficient and powerful surrogate model.
  • Latent Polynomial
    This model also uses an autoencoder similar to the Latent NeuralODE, but instead of solving differential equations, it fits a polynomial to the trajectories in the latent space. This approach offers a different trade-off between complexity and accuracy.


Included Datasets (add example plots of some trajectories here!)


This dataset contains 1000 samples, 100 timesteps, and 29 chemical quantities. It is a dataset provided by the Ohio State University in 2008. The dataset is used to model the dynamics of a chemical reaction. The dataset is included in the benchmark and can be used to compare the performance of the surrogates.

Data Structure

All datasets are stored in the datasets folder in the root directory. A dataset can be identified by the name of its folder - the directory containing the osu2008 dataset is datasets/osu2008/.
Inside this folder, there is a file data.hdf5, which contains the data as well as some metadata. The data is already split into training, validation and test data. This split depends on how the dataset is created, we recommend 75/5/20 %. The training data (or subsets thereof) is used to train the models, the validation data is only used to compute a slightly more represantive loss and accuracy during training, hence it can be rather small (and should be for performance reasons, as the losses and accuracies are computed every epoch). The test data is then used for the actual benchmark.

Model Configuration

Additionally, the dataset folder might contain a file surrogates_config.py. This file contains dataclasses that specify the configuration of each surrogate for the given dataset. While it might be the case that the base configuration (which is stored in the config file in the folder surrogates/surrogate_name/) is sufficient, usually the hyperparameters of a model must be adjusted for each dataset to achieve optimal performance. This can be done by creating a dataclass in surrogates_config.py. The dataclass should have the name surrogate_model_name + "Config" (e.g. MultiONetConfig). It is sufficient to specify parameters here that deviate from those set in the base class. As an example, if we want to reduce the number of layers in our fully connected network, we simply add num_hidden_layers = 4 into the FullyConnectedConfig dataclass. The benchmark will then use these parameters for the model on this dataset.

Adding a Dataset

Adding a new dataset is pretty easy. The only requirement for the dataset is that it should be a numpy array of shape
[num_samples, num_timesteps, num_chemicals]. The technical details can be found in the documentation. The benchmark supports one big numpy array or three separate arrays if you already have a custom split. Since the quantities often span many orders of magnitudes, the surrogates will usually train on and predict normalised log-data. It is recommended to add the data "raw", the benchmark takes care of the log-transformation and normalisation (but it can also handle data that is already in log-format). Optionally, you can provide the corresponding timesteps and labels for the quantities in the dataset, these will then be used for visualisation.


To ensure a fair benchmark, it is important that the surrogate models involved are actually comparable, meaning they are trained under similar circumstances and on the same training data. For this reason, the benchmark involves training the models before comparing them (rather than simply benchmarking models previously trained somewhere else).
There is already some application-specificity involved in choosing for how long to train the model - usually, we want to compare best-performing models, which means training each model for as long as it reasonably keeps converging. But if low training time is essential (e.g. for fast re-training), one could also choose to train all models for equal amounts of time or an equal number of epochs.


In the following paragraphs, you can find detailed explanations on the config settings and how they are relevant for the training. For an easy way of making a config file that conforms to the requirements of the benchmark, head over to our Config Maker!

The training of the models is configured in the config.yaml file (even more details on the config here). A benchmark run is identfied by a training_id. The surrogates to be included in the benchmark can be provided in the form of a list of strings, where the strings must match the names of the surrogate classes (e.g. ["FullyConnected","DeepONet"]).
The epochs and batch_size parameters are used to specify the number of epochs to train the models and the batch size to be used during training. They can either be a single integer or a list of integers, where each integer corresponds to a model. The benchmark will train each model for the specified number of epochs and with the specified batch size.
The name of the dataset to be used is specified in the dataset section, along with the option to log-transform the data and to specify the normalisation to be used.
The device parameter specifies the device(s) to be used for training. They can be specified as a list of strings (e.g. ["cuda:0","cuda:1"]), where each string is the name of a device. The devices must be available on the machine and support PyTorch. The benchmark will use all devices specified in the list for training, more on this in the parallel training section.
The seed parameter is used to ensure reproducibility of the training process. The seeds for all models are generated from this seed on a per-task basis.
The verbose will toggle some additional prints, mostly during the benchmarking process.

Besides training one main model on the provided training sets, many additional models will be trained depending on the configuration of the benchmark. These models are required to investigate the behaviour of the model under various circumstances:

  • Interpolation: If this mode is enabled, one additional model will be trained per interval specified. The train set for this model will be "thinned" in time using numpy array slicing, i.e. train_data = train_data[:,::interval,:]. This means that only every n-th timestep will be given to the model during training, but during testing it will be evaluated on all timesteps, including those in between the provided timesteps.
  • Extrapolation: If this mode is enabled, one additional model will be trained per cutoff specified. The train set for this model will be trimmed in time using numpy array slicing, i.e. train_data = train_data[:,:cutoff,:]. This means that the model is only trained with timesteps up to this cutoff, but must later predict the trajectories for all times.
  • Sparse: If this mode is enabled, one additional model will be trained per fraction specified. The train set for this model will consist of fewer samples than the original training data, obtained using train_data = train_data[::fraction,:,:]. This means that only every n-th sample will be given to the model during training.
  • Batch Scaling: If this mode is enabled, one additional model will be trained per batch size specified. The model will be trained with the specified batch size. This can be useful to investigate the effect of batch size on the model's accuracy or inference time.
  • Uncertainty: If this mode is enabled, n_models - 1 additional models will be trained on the full dataset (since the main model can be used in the DeepEnsemble too). Each model will be trained with a different random initialisation and a shuffled training set. Together they form a DeepEnsemble, which can be used to estimate the uncertainty of the model's predictions.

Lastly, there are some settings that do not influence the training process. The parameters gradients, timing, compute, losses and compare are only relevant for the benchmarking process, they will either toggle additional evaluations of the main model or further output based on existing data.

Parallel Training

To reduce the potentially long training process due to the large number of models, the benchmark is parallelised. The benchmark will utilise all devices specified in the config file to train the models. The parallelisation works simply by creating a list of all models to be trained ("tasks") and then distributing these tasks to the available devices. A progress bar will be displayed for each training in progress as well as for the total progress. In principle one can also train multiple models on the same device, simply by listing it multiple times: ["cuda:5","cuda:5"]. Whether this has any benefit depends on the model and device. Of course, it is also possible to train sequentially using a single device only.
The task-list approach has two benefits: It is asynchronous in that each device can begin the next task as soon as it finishes its current task, and it makes it easy to continue training the required models at a later time in case the training process gets interrupted.

Saved Models

After the training of each model finishes, it is saved to the directory trained/training_id/surrogate_name (e.g. trained/training_1/FullyConnected/). The model names are specific to the task and may not be changed, as the later parts of the benchmark rely on loading the correct models and models are primarily identified by their name. For each model, two files are created, a .pth file and a .yaml file. The former not only contains the model dict with the weights, but also most attributes of the surrogate class, while the latter contains the models hyperparameters as well as some additional information (information about the dataset, train duration, number of training samples and timesteps, ...).


After the training finished, the models are benchmarked. Similar to training, it is important to treat all models equally during the benchmarking process. This is not trivial, as the models have different architectures and may require differently structured data. The benchmark attempts to equalise the process as much as possible, hence the requirements for implementing additional models are relatively strict.
One example of this is that the predict method of the surrogate class is the same for all models, i.e. it is implemented in the abstract base class AbstractSurrogateModel. For this to work, each model must have a forwardmethod that conforms to certain standards. More details on this can be found in the documentation.

The below sections describe the structure of the benchmark and how to configure it. For precise accounts of the evaluations and plots made by the benchmark, head to the next section, Output.


The general structure of the benchmark is that the models are first benchmarked indivdually and then compared to one another.
The individual part mostly consists of obtaining predictions for the trained models on the test set and comparing them to the ground truth. The results for each surrogate are used to make surrogate-specific plots, which are stored in the plots/training_id/surrogate_name/ directory. In addition, these results are stored in one large nested dictionary, which roughly conforms to the structure metrics[surrogate_name][category][metric].
This dictionary is the foundation for the comparative part, which creates comparative plots as well as tabular output. The results - .yaml files for each surrogate, a metrics.csv file and metrics_table.txt are stored in results/training_id, while the plots are stored in plots/training_id/.


Below there are explanations on how the config settings are relevant for the benchmarking. For an easy way of making a config file that conforms to the requirements of the benchmark, head over to our Config Maker!

The benchmarking of the models uses the same config.yaml file (more details here) that is also used to configure the training. It is recommended to use the configuration that was specified during training for minimal complications, but it is also possible to change many of the configuration parameters.
The models for the benchmark are identified by the training_id, and the ID is also used to make directories in the plots/ and results/ folders. The dataset section should remain untouched, as the training is always dataset specific. It is possible to remove surrogates for the benchmark that were included in the training (but not vice-versa, since you cannot benchmark surrogates for which no models were trained). The dataset section should remain untouched, as the training is always dataset specific. The benchmarking process is not parallel since it is much faster, so only one device is required. If multiple are specified, only the first one in the list will be used. Similarly, the seed is not relevant for the benchmarking process, as the models are already trained. If you want some additional information, use the verbose parameter.
The logic of the surrogates also applies for the different modalities of the benchmark - if they were included in the training, they can be removed for the benchmark, but you can not add modalities that were not included during training. It may be possible to reduce the details for each modality the benchmark (i.e. to only use intervals 2-5 when you trained with 2-10), but they best remain untouched.
The parameters losses, gradients, timing and compute toggle the respective evaluations of the models. Since they do not change anything about the training process, they can be toggled freely.
Lastly, the compare parameter determines whether the models are compared after benchmarking them individually. It is not possible to run only the comparative part of the benchmark, as the individual benchmark results are required before the surrogates can be compared! If only some modalities of the individual benchmarks were run, the models will only be compared for these modalities (e.g. there will be no comparison of the extrapolation performance of the models if extrapolation = False). All details about the outputs and results of the benchmark results are listed in the Output section. The next section will give an overview over



The benchmark has two kinds of outputs: Metrics and plots. Both are given on a per-surrogate basis and in a comparative way.
All metric output is stored in results/training_id/. The individual surrogate metrics are stored in surrogatename_metrics.yaml (e.g. fullyconnected_metrics.yaml), while the comparative parts are stored as metrics.csv and metrics_table.txt (this table is also printed to the CLI at the end of the benchmark).
All plots are stored in plots/training_id/, the individual plots for each surrogate in the respective surrogate directory and the comparative plots in the main directory.

Individual Metrics

The surrogatename_metrics.yaml is the most detailed result file, as it contains every metric that was calculated during the benchmark of the corresponding surrogate. Which metrics are calculated depends on the modalities that are activated in the config.

Comparative Metrics

Individual Plots

Comparative Plots