Benchmark Results

This page shows the results from benchmark runs on various datasets. Click on a dataset to expand the available plots.

Metric MultiONet FullyConnected LatentPoly LatentNeuralODE
MSE 1.12e-05 1.42e-07 1.42e-03 7.58e-04
MAE 2.56e-03 2.79e-04 2.95e-02 1.97e-02
MRE 6.16 % 0.61 % 68.80 % 54.88 %
Epochs 15000 6000 25000 4000
Train Time (hh:mm:ss) 00:59:19 00:14:34 03:33:50 02:32:25
Inference Times 3.51 ms ± 0.20 ms 986.41 µs ± 52.16 µs 645.90 µs ± 28.87 µs 219.48 ms ± 5.01 ms
Gradient PCC 0.2599 0.5290 0.1430 0.1215
# Trainable Params 1972163 504668 195100 659403
Model Memory (MB) 8.14 MB 1.93 MB 1.49 MB 5.85 MB
Forward Pass Memory (MB) 26.20 MB 13.69 MB 121.56 MB 110.21 MB
Avg. Uncertainty 3.17e-03 3.52e-04 3.25e-02 2.44e-02
DE MAE 1.35e-03 1.96e-04 1.61e-02 9.91e-03
DE MRE 4.58 % 0.60 % 34.78 % 22.03 %
UQ PCC 0.3819 0.2765 0.1654 0.3767
UQ Confidence -33.99 % -5.47 % 2132.27 % 1864.76 %
Comparative Plots
Metric MultiONet FullyConnected LatentPoly LatentNeuralODE
MSE 3.23e+02 1.75e-01 1.68e+02 4.54e+01
MAE 3.72e+00 1.68e-01 6.63e+00 2.83e+00
MRE 4736.57 % 1.42 % 234782.95 % 230.28 %
Epochs 15000 20000 24000 8000
Train Time (hh:mm:ss) 01:05:04 00:27:23 01:24:02 13:07:48
Inference Times 3.27 ms ± 0.15 ms 609.17 µs ± 59.44 µs 750.66 µs ± 115.50 µs 466.40 ms ± 3.67 ms
Gradient PCC 0.2744 0.5486 0.6950 0.4760
# Trainable Params 800775 52620 78456 200537
Model Memory (MB) 3.06 MB 0.20 MB 0.60 MB 1.54 MB
Forward Pass Memory (MB) 14.17 MB 7.94 MB 75.67 MB 105.78 MB
Avg. Uncertainty 2.60e+00 1.68e-01 2.08e+00 3.51e+00
DE MAE 3.26e+00 9.61e-02 6.43e+00 2.95e+00
DE MRE 2246.18 % 0.85 % 234892.26 % 10799946.34 %
UQ PCC 0.8776 0.6317 0.3078 0.6307
UQ Confidence 80921.77 % -0.44 % 4203140.56 % 1331634245.40 %
Comparative Plots
Metric MultiONet FullyConnected LatentPoly LatentNeuralODE
MSE 8.64e+02 9.90e+01 6.94e-01 8.58e-01
MAE 3.93e+00 1.54e+00 8.42e-02 9.33e-02
MRE 3.81 % 0.29 % 7.96 % 8.04 %
Epochs 7000 20000 20000 15000
Train Time (hh:mm:ss) 00:58:08 00:21:39 02:21:23 02:57:50
Inference Times 13.62 ms ± 8.40 ms 454.38 µs ± 52.27 µs 727.38 µs ± 55.81 µs 35.56 ms ± 1.87 ms
Gradient PCC -0.0068 -0.1830 0.4264 0.4223
# Trainable Params 2488384 29609 163221 688968
Model Memory (MB) 9.50 MB 0.11 MB 1.25 MB 6.06 MB
Forward Pass Memory (MB) 94.11 MB 16.30 MB 106.23 MB 106.52 MB
Avg. Uncertainty 7.52e+00 1.04e+00 3.95e-01 1.11e-01
DE MAE 4.79e+00 7.72e-01 4.36e-01 5.91e-02
DE MRE 2.98 % 0.18 % 6.71 % 2.77 %
UQ PCC 0.8964 0.7517 0.9914 0.7024
UQ Confidence -18.90 % -0.09 % 0.65 % 22.88 %
Comparative Plots
Metric MultiONet FullyConnected LatentPoly LatentNeuralODE
MSE 6.53e+04 3.67e+05 1.06e+07 6.82e+06
MAE 3.50e+00 1.08e+01 3.69e+01 2.34e+01
MRE 1.49 % 1.55 % 4.85 % 1.69 %
Epochs 7500 10500 12000 6000
Train Time (hh:mm:ss) 00:53:33 00:59:27 00:41:16 04:15:57
Inference Times 2.96 ms ± 0.14 ms 1.75 ms ± 0.14 ms 595.67 µs ± 84.73 µs 50.16 ms ± 0.72 ms
Gradient PCC 0.9513 0.9943 0.9210 0.8400
# Trainable Params 1282024 4495205 86167 846324
Model Memory (MB) 4.89 MB 17.99 MB 0.66 MB 7.31 MB
Forward Pass Memory (MB) 20.48 MB 26.00 MB 79.99 MB 249.78 MB
Avg. Uncertainty 5.66e+00 8.10e+00 2.65e+01 8.40e+00
DE MAE 2.22e+00 1.56e+00 2.74e+01 1.74e+01
DE MRE 1.59 % 0.56 % 3.36 % 1.53 %
UQ PCC 0.8393 0.9531 0.8079 0.7782
UQ Confidence -4.83 % 1.53 % -3.45 % 7.36 %
Comparative Plots
Metric MultiONet FullyConnected LatentPoly LatentNeuralODE
MSE 1.18e-03 5.27e-06 3.33e-03 2.96e-01
MAE 1.73e-02 1.12e-03 2.81e-02 2.61e-01
MRE 0.29 % 0.02 % 0.55 % 5.23 %
Epochs 12000 10000 10000 7000
Train Time (hh:mm:ss) 01:41:39 00:35:33 03:22:24 05:53:19
Inference Times 3.09 ms ± 0.70 ms 1.06 ms ± 0.07 ms 736.66 µs ± 21.15 µs 69.49 ms ± 0.90 ms
Gradient PCC 0.1708 0.4613 0.5081 0.5332
# Trainable Params 3109252 312821 517411 1100426
Model Memory (MB) 11.87 MB 1.20 MB 4.02 MB 9.25 MB
Forward Pass Memory (MB) 26.53 MB 13.25 MB 197.74 MB 249.79 MB
Avg. Uncertainty 1.29e-02 1.35e-03 5.53e-02 2.72e-01
DE MAE 8.56e-03 5.42e-04 1.95e-02 2.15e-01
DE MRE 0.16 % 0.01 % 0.41 % 3.86 %
UQ PCC 0.7300 0.6513 0.3883 0.6622
UQ Confidence -0.45 % 0.05 % 1.64 % -6.54 %
Comparative Plots